1Keep your investment
Every day your home is exposed to dirt, dust, rain and the dangerous rays of the sun. These elements create a sandpapering effect that ruins the finish. jPowerwash can help you retain the beauty of your home and prolong the life of your paint and siding.

2Clean, Repair, and Stain It
Before you add anything to your deck, you must first create a solid foundation. Even well-planned cosmetic changes can't hide a deck in disrepair or dirty, grimy boards. Set time each year to clean and restrain your deck flooring to ensure it stands up better against the elements.

3Image is everyting
If negative, it can be difficult to overcome. The outside of your home will be a reflection of what is going on inside. Have you looked lately? First impressions are only made once. jPowerwash Cleaning Technologies is cleaning up the Montgomery County.

4Budget Home Improvements
Finances may be tight, but don't let your biggest investment take a hit. The U.S. Census Bureau estimates that improvements and maintenance normally cost about $3,300 a year for the average home. Prevent small problems from becoming big headaches by keeping up with regular maintenance.